Terms and Conditions
1. Please note the minimum and maximum numbers required will vary for each party. Details are listed on our party information.
2. Provisional bookings:
(i) A provisional booking can be made in person, by telephone or via our website enquiry page.
(ii) Please note that a provisional booking does not in any way confirm a party as booked. We will confirm the availability of your chosen date but cannot hold the slot beyond confirmation that it is available.
(iii) Should you not pay US we reserve the right to cancel your booking and reallocate your slot.
3. Bookings/Deposits/Balance payments:
(i) WE do not take deposits all payments must be in full.
(ii) Payment can only be made via this site in which case a confirmation of booking will be forwarded to you. Tickets may be available on the door if you contact US on the day at 25% extra of the published price however, we cannot guarantee that the party will not be full as we always give priority to those who pay online and regular party goers. Bookings done in person are deemed to have read and accepted our terms and conditions.
(iii) In the event of your cancellation of a party (for any reason whatsoever) payments will not be refunded. In certain circumstances a transfer of the payment to an alternative date may be considered but is at the absolute discretion of US.
(iv) Where full party payments (over and above the minimum numbers required for your party) are made at the time of booking, WE will assume these numbers to be definite and no refund will be given for any overpayment due to lesser attendance of guests on the day.
4. General:
(i) A maximum of 2 guests can be made on one booking.
(ii) All visitors must adhere to the rules of play described on this site and at all times respect the rights and wishes of other guests.
(iii) WE will not be responsible for the care and supervision of any or all guests.
(iv) For hygiene and safety reasons bins are located around the premises please use them to dispose of any unwanted materials.
(v) The Party Organisers do not condone the use of any illegal substances or excessive drinking on the premises. Those doing so may be asked to leave.
(vi) No food or drink is to be brought into the party without prior agreement from The Party Organisers.
(vii) You are not permitted to photograph/film your party and those doing so will be asked to leave and delete and such material before they do so.
(viii) As this is a private party WE do not take responsibility for any possessions left on the premises or that go missing during your stay at the party. By attending the party you accept liability for both your own safety, that of the other party goers and your own possessions.
(ix) Please do not arrive more than 10 minutes prior to the party start time.